Our Story

Loudoun Credit Union was chartered in September 1977 (Charter #66954) pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Credit Union Act. The credit union is a corporation chartered under the laws of the state of Virginia and regulated by the State Corporation Commission and the National Credit Union Administration.

On May 18, 1994 the State Corporation Commission approved the merger of Loudoun HealthCare Federal Credit Union into Loudoun Credit Union with Loudoun Credit Union as the surviving credit union.

A credit union is a member-owned cooperative
A credit union is not-for-profit
A credit union is volunteer driven

The credit union is a voluntary, not-for-profit cooperative association. A Board of Directors elected by the members governs the credit union. Members, regardless of their financial stake in the credit union, are eligible for one vote. It is democratically administered to encourage thrift among its members, create a source of credit at a low rate and provide maximum service at reasonable cost.